Monday, November 16, 2009

Hypocracy from both political parties on death panels

While both parties will not confess to the evils of death panels. Its hypocritical not to think it has not at least crossed their mind. The conservatives are already voicing their outrage over illegal immigrants getting any kind of medical treatment. Abortions are also major concern but its not known if health care will include rapes and incest as well if any. Insurance companies in particular are against funding AID's. The cost of AID's treatment is pretty high and many victims are pretty young so many insurance companies avoid it all together. Discrimination of chronic illness among the elderly is nothing new as well and even Liberals have question the high price of taking care of people who will probably die soon. So where do we draw the line? The mentally retarded? Those with expensive and chronic diseases like cancer?

So Obama takes a bow good grief!

Its not like this is the first time politicians pander to the East and especially China in particular. All leaders eventually give China the respect that it deserves. Well at least the sane ones anyway but who would of guess that a wayward maverick would be left so vulnerable in a traditional mandarin dress. If you look closely on the sleeves you can see the suits underneath the garment. In this case we have a wolves in dragon's skin. But all this mole hill over much ado about nothing is mostly an Associated Press photo opt. Many politicians have bowed to Asian leaders and this is just one that came across as awkward for the most part. But in Obama defense he is very tall he is over 6 feet tall. Not quite as tall as lanky Abe Lincoln who was 6 '5". If America keeps its sovereignty than I have no problem with this but if we have to compete with third world countries then my opinion is subject to change. After all it was Bush who was really the first Chinese president America had. Not Obama who many are calling Oba Mao for a new red scare.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Is Obama just too green!

While going green can not too much harm. Some say its global cooling and other say its global warming and the hearty debate still lingers on in limbo. However, the thought of cost effective energy during these economic times is not too far fetch. You can save money using energy saving light bulbs and recycling. What is troubling for many is that never before had anyone had the tackle the trouble we are now facing including inflation in an uncertain market. Perhaps he is too friendly with the enemy who find him an easy prey. Many have seen Obama as just being too young and unable to tackle the subject on had. The dark side of going green may be that some products will cost more. Not to mention the price the higher price that comes with the word conservation during this recession. Water in my area alone has more than tripled to that of European bottle mineral water and we are talking about poorly treated sewage! Who knows where else this administration will try to cut corners in the name of green conservation.

Leaving us more in a bigger debt with China can hardly be even better. For the most part, many of the products from China have a one time use since they break of so easy. Most people do not have a problem with the Chinese people themselves but its for the most part the government that interferes with the people they deem a threat. The problems we are facing for the most part are clearly best left handle by a seasoned professional and only time will tell if we made the right choice. However it is too soon to figure out if Obama is just on the cutting to edge or just too green to know any better.

Does the Devil wear penny loafers?

Remember yuppie generation with their penny loafers and preppy outfits from the 80's. Well they are for the most part the selfish me generation. So is it no surprise that the last of the baby boomers left us bankrupt? The greedy generation so marginalize for having little to know children. The highly educated clearly sterilize by culture, religion and blind ambition of a material world.

So not surprising came the idea of giving the next generation the bill. A smaller group of people that will inherit debt and the moral bank account of zero dollars. Don't get me wrong I'm not a bible thumper I'm so far from it. Its just the lack of logic that follows after the bankruptcy is just tantamount to global extortion.

Help! Nanny State to the rescue

It is too far to extreme to let a little steam off in good jest? After coming home from a days work there nothing better than to take off your shoes, turn on the television, and play in the internet at home . Yet anywhere we go there always those pesky rules and community standards to abide by from right in your own home. Furthermore there is the obstacle we get when entering an internet domain with the complex and sometimes confusing sobriety test when making a confirmation. I'm far from dumb but one time I spent over half an hour trying to figure out the very obscure layout that even a sober person would have trouble with. If that not bad enough now Gmail engineers have come up with a bigger puzzle for those avid fans of the dummy up system. Yes, the solution to protecting you from yourself is a math quiz when sending an email to a friend or love one. If the threat of a Nanny State is not bad enough with all those cameras hanging over our shoulders here comes another brilliant idea to regulate your time and common sensibilities assurance for those who have always been the teachers pet. My generation is still to young to feel like a fish in a bowl with the powers that be viewing us unfiltered over the proverbial looking glass.

Our liberty is further hampered in the form of communal self regulation . That is as we all know comes in the form of a troll who reports supposed abuses and eliminates your ad or blog post because its ideally not in par with community guidelines. In some instances the troll does a good job but a good portion of the troll action is nothing more than tyrannical form freedom abuse. The troll if left unregulated becomes like a neo-con or a neo-lib is to politics a basic malignant cancer. Well if Gmail catches on the comfort of your own home might take a new spin for consenting adult. Mind you there is abuse on the internet and there is even some horror stories for every subject imaginable a reason to let government manage you whole life. But at one point you might want to draw the line and say enough is enough. feeling like your in a cubicle in your own home is probably not good for the soul. Sure for the most part many of the places we roam are free from a Socialist standpoint. But if being a Socialist comes with a heavy price count me out. If we are to ever keep feeling "free" we must maintain it with a cold beer and a warm feeling of being by ourselves in our very own home. Even if technology is advancing at a tremendous speed making privacy obsolete. Technology can be a hippie giving us a feeling oneness and uniting the world we live in. But at the same time technology can invade the privacy of your very own home by any means necessary. So until then there days of better reasoning please remember not to remove the tag on your mattress under the penalty of the law.

Could the assasination of Obama trigger a war with Islam?

In thinking ahead I thought to myself this could be a trap of some kind along with a horrible tragedy of a Kennedy's curse. A double event that may come in the form of a biological weapon and or even worse. Its troubling to even imagine that others might consider him as their own but from a global standard this may be more true than fiction. Many in the Muslim community consider them as their own even though Obama does not identify as such. But perhaps the quick and sudden fall of a good man, so loved by the world, will have an adverse affect by those who already hate us. The volatile Middle East is already a volcano ready to happen and death may even follow a war on a global scale.

From a global standpoint Neo-Imperalism is a scary thing. There his are many in the political factions so dead set on getting their way come "hell or high water" that they are too blind to see that we cannot possibly stand apart. We will clearly fall as a great nation if we continue to destroy each other apart. So until then we have been warned and unfortunately we will remain stuck between a rock and a hard place. There no clear solution for the difficult times we are heading into but until then take heed. And remember that in the mad men game of global pawns the leaders are always several steps ahead.