Monday, November 16, 2009

Hypocracy from both political parties on death panels

While both parties will not confess to the evils of death panels. Its hypocritical not to think it has not at least crossed their mind. The conservatives are already voicing their outrage over illegal immigrants getting any kind of medical treatment. Abortions are also major concern but its not known if health care will include rapes and incest as well if any. Insurance companies in particular are against funding AID's. The cost of AID's treatment is pretty high and many victims are pretty young so many insurance companies avoid it all together. Discrimination of chronic illness among the elderly is nothing new as well and even Liberals have question the high price of taking care of people who will probably die soon. So where do we draw the line? The mentally retarded? Those with expensive and chronic diseases like cancer?

1 comment:

  1. I'll have to stick my oar in here,
    and I know that both the Democrats & Republicans will start throwing rocks .. oh well

    I do NOT believe that anything will get reformed or fixed or anything of the sort by Congress passing yet another bloated, pork laden bill. The system NEEDS help! This new legislation is over a thousand pages (of what?) and its like a CONTRACT that our representatives sign and it obligates WE THE PEOPLE to pay for whatever is specified in that contract. First and foremost lets have CONGRESS and ALL of our elected office holders abide by the LAW that is on the books and also use the plans they put in place for us working stiffs, after all if its good 'nuff for the serfs, its good 'nuff for a Congressperson ... no?
