Sunday, October 25, 2009

Help! Nanny State to the rescue

It is too far to extreme to let a little steam off in good jest? After coming home from a days work there nothing better than to take off your shoes, turn on the television, and play in the internet at home . Yet anywhere we go there always those pesky rules and community standards to abide by from right in your own home. Furthermore there is the obstacle we get when entering an internet domain with the complex and sometimes confusing sobriety test when making a confirmation. I'm far from dumb but one time I spent over half an hour trying to figure out the very obscure layout that even a sober person would have trouble with. If that not bad enough now Gmail engineers have come up with a bigger puzzle for those avid fans of the dummy up system. Yes, the solution to protecting you from yourself is a math quiz when sending an email to a friend or love one. If the threat of a Nanny State is not bad enough with all those cameras hanging over our shoulders here comes another brilliant idea to regulate your time and common sensibilities assurance for those who have always been the teachers pet. My generation is still to young to feel like a fish in a bowl with the powers that be viewing us unfiltered over the proverbial looking glass.

Our liberty is further hampered in the form of communal self regulation . That is as we all know comes in the form of a troll who reports supposed abuses and eliminates your ad or blog post because its ideally not in par with community guidelines. In some instances the troll does a good job but a good portion of the troll action is nothing more than tyrannical form freedom abuse. The troll if left unregulated becomes like a neo-con or a neo-lib is to politics a basic malignant cancer. Well if Gmail catches on the comfort of your own home might take a new spin for consenting adult. Mind you there is abuse on the internet and there is even some horror stories for every subject imaginable a reason to let government manage you whole life. But at one point you might want to draw the line and say enough is enough. feeling like your in a cubicle in your own home is probably not good for the soul. Sure for the most part many of the places we roam are free from a Socialist standpoint. But if being a Socialist comes with a heavy price count me out. If we are to ever keep feeling "free" we must maintain it with a cold beer and a warm feeling of being by ourselves in our very own home. Even if technology is advancing at a tremendous speed making privacy obsolete. Technology can be a hippie giving us a feeling oneness and uniting the world we live in. But at the same time technology can invade the privacy of your very own home by any means necessary. So until then there days of better reasoning please remember not to remove the tag on your mattress under the penalty of the law.

1 comment:

  1. Any Government big enough to protect you
    is also big enough to rip you off for everything you have ever worked for.
